Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Less than a year of MAPSS

So I thought long and hard about creating a MAPSS blog (okay, if I'm honest, the thought crossed my mind for all of a minute and a half over the summer before I decided no one wants to read about my life.) But I see all these people googling MAPSS and grad school in general, and now I've discovered a couple of MAPSS-centric blogs, and so I thought, what the hell. I'll write what I can write, on the off-chance that it helps some people. And maybe I'll send the address to my mom. Hi, Mom! I'm blogging!

This is Week 7 of the first quarter, and I'm legitimately amazed it's gone by so quickly. I feel like I've barely started school, and I'm always a little slower on the learning curve with new material, so I'm also just getting a handle on some of it. (Perspectives.)

I'll probably make a couple of posts on things that have already happened in MAPSS, like Math Camp and the Perspectives midterm, because I think those are probably important things for prospective students to know about. But those posts will come as I procrastinate on my papers, et cetera.

I originally applied to UChicago's history program, and history remains my primary academic focus, so I feel contractually obligated to tell readers of this blog not to expect absolute truth. This is my remembered and perceived experience, and by the way, apparently no one else in Chicago studies the crap I study, so your mileage may vary.

I made a deliberate decision not to put my name on here, although once I start talking about individual classes, it will probably be fairly obvious who I am to anyone who knows me. But I fear an online presence, and I also think the veneer of anonymity is going to give me the ability to say things I would otherwise be too embarrassed to say (like, did you know I got rejected from every single grad program I applied to? Yup. I did.) or feel like I was being too self-promoting (but that's okay because MAPSS gave me full funding! Also true.)

So it is my hope that this blog will serve as a guide to anyone considering grad school, not just MAPSS, and to frustrated students everywhere, who can see a beacon of -

Nah. It's my hope I actually get around to updating this thing.

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